Lenovo > X230
Lenovo X230
1 to 9 item(s) Price : US$ 4.69
Quantity : 204 Pcs
Posted on :09/12/2014
Version :Lcd/Led Cable
P/N :50.4Kh04.001
1 to 9 item(s) Price : US$ 4.69
Quantity : 204 Pcs
Posted on :09/12/2014
Version :Lcd/Led Cable
P/N :50.4Kh04.001
1 to 9 item(s) Price : US$ 12.77
Quantity : 0 Pcs
Posted on :11/23/2015
Version :Sw
P/N :0C01986 04X1303 11S0c01986z1zmyc3bxlg8 3Bxlg8
1 to 9 item(s) Price : US$ 12.77
Quantity : 0 Pcs
Posted on :11/23/2015
Version :Slvk
P/N :0C01984 04X1301 11S0c01984z1zmya378l2z 378L2z
1 to 9 item(s) Price : US$ 12.77
Quantity : 0 Pcs
Posted on :11/23/2015
Version :Netherland
P/N :04W3193 0C01349 11S0c01349z1zltk25nl55
1 to 9 item(s) Price : US$ 26.96
Quantity : 0 Pcs
Posted on :12/03/2015
Version :Us
P/N :N/A